Birthing a New Reality: The Penultimate Push – THE SUN-IN-LEO SQUARES SATURN-IN-SCORPIO FOR THE LAST TIME UNTIL 2042 (August 21, 2015)


This upcoming Sun-Saturn square is the penultimate test, or intense energetic peak that we will experience with Saturn-in-Scorpio, before it finishes its transit and then enters Sagittarius. The next time we see a Leo Sun squaring Saturn in Scorpio will be at 0 degrees of both signs, in July 2042. Truly, we’re close to turning the last page before the end of our current chapter of conscious(ness) (r)evolution.

The Sun/Saturn square goes exact at 28 Leo/Scorpio ’35 on the 21st of August at 23:40 (UTC), so in about one-and-a-half days from now.

The Sun represents the focus of one’s consciousness and/or vital energies. In Leo, it concerns itself with matters of the heart, creativity, sensuality, children and our ability to express our passions, vulnerabilities and joys. In short, Leo’s focus is on that which makes us come alive – be it through the celebration of life, or the awakening that pain can bring to a consciousness that has numbed itself to sensation (or both)! Very often these awakenings directly involve, awaken and/or trigger the parts of ourselves which we call our Inner Child. Chakra-wise, I associate it with the Heart (4th / Anahata) and Sacral (2nd / Swadishthana) energy.

Saturn is the karmic taskmaster whose lessons of maturity lead us to discover the strength, discipline and focus we have within to achieve our goals and attain a certain level of mastery. It is the energy of Absolute Authority, which I also link with the Earth-Crone (Grandmother Archetype). Saturn’s tests are ones that help us mature and come through construction, restriction and often manifest through interactions with established authorities/upholders of the status quo. The energy of Saturn is also linked with institutions of power (which have power only because we see them as such), e.g. governments and banks. At a personal level, we experience Saturn through the form of the disciplining parent/grandparent.

It isn’t always a bad thing as wisdom that knows true maturity need not abuse its power, but rather act as a stable foundation for further generations which will ultimately outgrow that very structure. In some sense, the brilliance of Saturn comes through which one realizes it is really not about ‘reaching the top’, but getting there and holding the gates (of Aquarius, consciousness, etc.) open for others to walk through.

Achieving that level of maturity, where status and authority are less about the ego-comforts of being recognized, but rather, the task of holding a momentary structure in place that future generations at first grow upon, then eventually replace – is what Saturn seeks to teach us, now in the sign of Scorpio.

Saturn in Scorpio is quite literally in its final days, with its shift into Sagittarius on September 18, 2015 at 2:46 am (UTC). Saturn began its transit in Scorpio in 2012 and will not return to this sign until 2041.

At 28 Scorpio, Saturn’s pressure and tests feel more and more intense by the minute. It’s pushing our revolve, testing our staying-power, our commitment, our focus upon a long-term plan or decision – and to stick with it. For most, it will involve the energetic allocation of resources, boundaries of sexuality and intimacy, the appropriate use of power, clearing ancestral karmic lineages and matters generally concerned with the realms of the sub-conscious and/or the Shamanic understanding of The Underworld.

I associate Scorpio’s energies with the Sacral and Base (1st, Mooladhara) Chakra. Saturn’s energies involve the Will of the Solar Plexus (3rd, Manipura) Chakra, ideally working in alignment with the Vision of the Third Eye (6th, Ajna) and the Detachment of the Crown (7th, Sahasrara).

Much is being wrapped up now, energetically, and the Sun-Saturn square is one of the final tests that this Saturn-in-Scorpio energy will ask us to face. We’re likely to feel far greater intensity as the shift actually happens (mid-Sept), but this will be one of its final energetic peaks.

So – what might this square feel like? What can one do about it?

With the Sun squared Saturn coming up, I see this as the potential clash between the Child and Authority/Parent/Grandparent Archetype. There is a need to express the Joy of the Self and its Vulnerability, alongside a need to channel that energy in a disciplined form that will honor your energetic boundaries and allow you to set the foundation for something long-lasting. I suspect, for many, this placement will seal the deal as it were on the decision to marry, break away from marriage or other long-term romantic/sexual commitments – perhaps even those involving having/ adopting / working with children or creative endeavours.

On the one hand – You might just surprise yourself at how powerfully and passionately you commit to something, or someone. Leo and Scorpio both experience vulnerability in different ways, and both equally open different paths to healing and wholeness. The tender hug of a Child can soften a resentful Grandparent; the touch of a Lover and soothe wounded pride. Rather than seeing things as a ‘fight’ or a ‘battle of wills’, focus on what is shared – especially when dealing with significant partnerships.

And on the other hand – You might discover that your feelings, emotions, energy and vulnerability is truly-and-genuinely being taken for granted. What then? Bear in mind that Leo, the Lion breathes and Roars with Fire – Scorpio guides the Fire-Bird to its depths so that it may perish and be re-born… There is nothing lacking in your ability to set your boundaries, stare your invaders in the eye and ROAR! Let the scavengers flee as you stand in your presence, regal, confident, powerful and comfortable in your Being.

Which response you need (possibly both) depends on your situation – these are generalized suggestions.

Those with placements near 28 Aquarius and/or Taurus will experience this as a Fixed T-Square or Grand Fixed Cross. Remember to stay flexible whilst staying true to what you resonate with. Bear in mind that the central theme here is how you deal with Fixed Energy – Energy that wants to hold onto something, preserve something, maintain a structure for what it was.

Indeed – holding onto what feels true to you may indeed be an act of reclaiming your authenticity, but it can just as well be the ego’s way of defending itself – by being obstinate and reluctant to change, adapt or evolve. Only you can tell that difference for yourself in your actions and responses to this incredibly intense square.

By nature, squares are fairly tense alignments – and they can generally lead to a sense of pressure and stress. But bear in mind that it is that exact pressure that transforms a piece of coal into diamond – and in that same vein – it is that exact kind of stressful ‘push’ that accompanies the inception, conception and culmination of Birth.

Some of you will enjoy the feeling, and others will feel it as pain – both responses are equally valid and equally powerful.

So it boils down to one question:

What are you Birthing into Being at this time?

Blessings to All,

Bairavee Balasubramaniam
The Sky Priestess

Image: RCW 86.jpg – NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA via Wikimedia Commons, public domain image


Month Long Yod

Blessings to all. We will all be experiencing a month-long Finger of Fate/Karma/Destiny with a powerful Yod formed between Pluto/Ceres in Capricorn, Chiron in Pisces and (apexing at) Jupiter Retrograde in Leo. Yods do not normally last this long, and so this is a fairly unusual alignment – and one that is woven into our preparations for the final Uranus-Pluto square.

This yod revisits key moments, decisions and experiences that occurred between September 11-20, 2014. Clues of what you are/will be experiencing now were woven back then.

Yods are, quite literally, cosmic fingers that ‘point’ to an apex position. They are often experienced as a sensation of crisis, intensity and an urge towards resolution of some kind. At the apex of the yod, we usually find ourselves at karmic crossroads which require key decisions to be made. Our decisions then affect the pace, nature and level of vibration that we encounter in our spiritual journeys.

Let’s look at the key players:

Pluto and Ceres in Capricorn: Pluto tells us to transform, break-down/break-through our preconceptions of what constitutes ‘success’, ‘achievement’, and a sense of ‘legacy’ in this material, 3-D plane of existence. We are asked to rethink the contribution we make as spirit-in-physical-form during the duration of our physical incarnations and what ramifications we leave behind for future generations. Will they be inspired or inhibited by the choices we now make? Simultaneously, we also see a generational shifting in cultures and values oriented towards materialistic standards of success, and achievement. This extends to the way we think about the institutions of authority and power that have traditionally defined these values for us – to a great degree. Ceres conjuncting Pluto adds the element of nurture to this alignment, allowing us to find these answers within ourselves as we forge a legacy we can look back upon without regret. We may also find the capacity to nurture others to do the same. The energies of Capricorn are also linked with the Wisdom of the Dark Crones – Goddess Hekate, Goddess Dhumavati, The Callieach, and so on.

Chiron in Pisces – Chiron opens the deepest wounds of the Soul for healing. In time, we are asked to shift from a ‘victim consciousness’ to a Co-Creative awareness of the realities we experience. We may even learn so much in the process of healing ourselves that we may become teachers for others struggling with the same wound. A note of caution must be said here: Healing others is a wonderful thing, but be sure you are in the right place to do so. Trying to stitch up another’s wound whilst your own is open defeats the purpose of the whole thing. In Pisces, Chiron’s energy is focused upon the wounds we have carried from former incarnations, particularly concerning with our connection with Spirit. Here is a time where many may feel their connection with Source tested, either through a sense of total disconnection, being mired in illusion, a feeling of disintegration and so on. Through these trials, Pisces holds the keys to Transcendence and the fine balance that is Loving, Compassionate Detachment – with the awareness that We Are All Powerfully Connected. I associate this energy with spiritual beings such as The Christ and Lord Shiva.

Jupiter Retrograde in Leo – Jupiter’s energies show the way to connect with our Teachers, Guides, Mentors – whatever/whomever holds open the door that leads to your Spiritual Path. It also rules the belief systems and cognitive value systems that you cherish and believe to be true. In Leo, Jupiter’s energies show us that the Path we are now called to tread calls upon the gifts and healing of both the Heart and Sacral Chakra. We are called to remember the connection between the two, in matters of Love, Joy, Romance, Childlike Innocence, Creativity, Sensuality/Sexuality and so on. We may find Teachers who remind us of the time we were all Wise Children, or may simply mean that you discover that the Child within you is waiting to guide you. In other words, You Are Your Own Guide. In Retrograde, these energies are likely to arise from and be situated within your own psyche. You may also find certain teachings to come your way through the back-door – when you least expect them to. I find that the energy of Leo facilitates a connection with fierce. loving, protective and powerful Lion/Tiger/Cat/Feline Energies such as Lady Bast, Lady Sekhmet, Lady Durga, Goddess Narasimhi, Goddess Prathyangira and others.

Distilling all of the above – Pluto/Ceres calls you to transform and nurture self-and-other in the way you live your material life and its legacy; Chiron asks you to be open to acknowledging, healing, and transcending your Soul’s wounds, especially in the way you connect with Spirit; Jupiter Retrograde points us to the Path of Guidance through which we continue the Spiritual Journey we are on.

This is a powerful yod which helps us realize and make key decisions about what we have come to do in this world, how, and why. We can no longer afford to ignore the interconnectedness of Spirit and Matter, and how the two relate through a Co-Creative relationship all of us uniquely share with The Divine.

You may also find answers, situations or teachings coming strongly through those who guide you, your children, or even through the creative process. This is a powerful time to guide yourselves as you explore your own creative gifts.

The Month-Long Yod formed at 1:42 pm February 8 and will last until 7:04 am March 9, 2015 (GMT + 8).

I noticed that at the very start, and very end of this alignment, we also experience a yod between Moon/North Node in Libra – Jupiter – apexing Chiron on Feb 8th and March 9th (which also has a Sun/Chiron conjunction). These other yods are short-lived in comparison, but their timing is very significant.

Their presence during the very start and ending of the Month Yod Long tells me that the work we do now is substantially connected to the Uranus/South Node – Pluto – North Node T-Square. Bear in mind that the final exact square of Uranus and Pluto takes place on March 17, 2015.

In other words – We now make preparations for the final Uranus-Pluto square, through the choices we make as part of this Month-Long Yod’s energy.

A Final Note – At 12:51 pm Feb 9th (today), Venus conjuncted Chiron at 15 Pisces ’38. Venus’ influence in this alignment will continue until February 15. You may experience this as a powerful impulse to either detach from, or deepen yourself in a particular relationship (romantic or professional). Sometimes you may need to find a way to simply do both – i.e. to deeply, love, unconditionally.

All in all, this Month-Long Yod is a powerful and deeply significant alignment. I look forward to what we individually and collectively choose to co-create with the Divine. And we shall see what reality we birth after the final Uranus-Pluto square goes exact.

Blessings to All of You,

Priestess Bairavee Balasubramaniam PhD