Three-color far-infrared image of M51, the Whirlpool Galaxy.


Eris & Uranus go conjunct in 2 days (9 June 2016). A lot is coming up for people now – also because the Sun and Venus (17 Gemini) are in a Mutable T-Square with the North and South Node (karmic points of growth and release, 17 Virgo-Pisces). It becomes a Mutable Cross if we include Varda (mistress/ruler of the heavens) at 17 Sagittarius.

(When hasn´t it been intense, since 2012 – in all honesty?)

Nevertheless, this is a sharp spike in energy levels. You might see some erratic behavior (in yourself or others). Eris and Uranus oppose Typhon (23 Libra), ruler of meterological and geological events. We´ve certainly been seeing reports of strange weather patterns from different parts of the globe.

I wouldn´t say it´s a call to doom and gloom and panic. Irrespective of what comes, panicking does not help. Awareness does. Especially with the hype (and fear) that surrounds Eris!

To the best of your ability, be conscious of the changes you see in yourself. Honor whatever parts of you want greater expression at this time. And tune in – is this coming from Ego? Spirit? The Heart? and so on and so forth.

If you are surrounded by people who want to drag you into their drama, walk away. Indulging it doesn´t help. And it´s not got much to do with you either. Hold your own space.

If someone genuinely needs help, do what you can, but be reasonable. The only person who can save someone is themselves.

If you feel the need to release a lot of density, try a salt water soak for the feet or a salt bath. Rituals of release and cord cutting may be of benefit at this time – as long as you can do it from a place of love, rather than fear.

Express whatever it is that you have to say – perhaps by writing a letter to yourself, or drawing freestyle.

Gemstones like lepidolite will help with rising stress levels. You might want to avoid things which activate the yang side of things (in most people) like tiger´s eye, ruby and such.

Remember to watch your water intake. That seems to be a big deal right now – probably with the Nodes squared the Sun. Bear in mind that water holds its own energy and memory and that you´re mostly water anyways 🙂

And for those of you considering to do high intensity ritual work at this time, remember that Uranus is involved. Things can go either way.

Considering the nature and the intensity of the work that I do, I shall also be rescheduling bookings and taking a break from sessions until the 14th of June. What´s coming up is pretty intense as it is. And the Universe has much to say to all of us over the next week.

And whatever happens, remember to come back to the Center. Of your Being. Stay grounded, centered and conscious.


Bairavee Balasubramaniam  ❤     

The Sky Priestess

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Image: Far-Infrared Image of M51.jpg – By ESA and the PACS Consortium [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Post © Bairavee Balasubramaniam, 2016. All rights reserved. Please do not use or reproduce without permission. See Terms of Use and Sharing above.

Categories: Uncategorized


  1. Thank you very much Bairavee. I appreciate your insight and words. Jacqui On 8 Jun 2016 12:13 AM, “Dr. Bairavee Balasubramaniam” wrote:

    > Dr. Bairavee Balasubramaniam PhD posted: ” Eris & Uranus go conjunct in > 2 days (9 June 2016). A lot is coming up for people now – also because the > Sun and Venus (17 Gemini) are in a Mutable T-Square with the North and > South Node (karmic points of growth and release, 17 Virgo-Pisces).” >

    Liked by 1 person

  2. With Cupido at 24deg Virgo and Juno at 24deg Scorpio in my natal chart, Uranus/Eris are activating a personal YOD – am I right in my thinking?
    If so I wonder which way the sparks will fly?
    Many thanks for your superb work.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. A different take on Eris…Rather than being the Goddess of Discord, I read her myth and influence as being another reviled feminine who offered her golden apple as a way of revealing mayhem that ensues from comparison, competition, and the illusion of separateness. She was revealing the sources of discord and the nonsense of polarity, rather than creating it. Beyond polarity and the illusion of separateness is her real message. Truth telling isn’t always welcome at the party! Love your posts. Thank you.


    1. This is a different, and equally important interpretation – yes – I address it here 🙂

      However, more often that not … Eris´ force essentially requires a world that can handle her truth. Whilst her truth is one that celebrates the spectrum of masculine-feminine, the external world changes in ways (to accommodate both) that we often recognize as strife. It need not be the case, but I suspect the violence associated with Eris is more a reflection of our current ability to process. The last time we had Uranus with Eris in Aries, WW2 broke out. I hope we find a better way, individually and collectively, to celebrate who she is.


      1. Thank you. I appreciate your insights (and research). In Gnostic tradition, Vesta and Helios created Earth which is another interesting vantage point. Your work is brilliant and I really enjoy it. Yes, WWII, who will control the world? Eris, Vesta, Venus and BM Lilith are DONE with all that. Life at the center of Life and evolution. That is the flame and essence of true power, where love and mature collaboration resides.

        Liked by 1 person