
We´re going to be seeing a lot more energy flowing through our thought / mental channels. Use this energy to learn more about what you think and why. This is a fantastic time to expand your knowledge and explore new forms of thought.

The South Node is releasing bursts of information to the collective consciousness and so this nothing that we need to actively seek or identify with . It is already there, opening the collective to new waves of information.

Tune in to what´s going on with your psychic / etheric receptors and harness this energy into a more directed understanding of your personal being and the interpersonal dynamics you operate in.

Writing, singing, reading and other such activities may prove to be deeply cathartic at this time.

Remember that Mars is also part of other alignments, including its opposition to Saturn and the Galactic Center. The chances of getting caught up in ego-projection games is high right now. As vital as that Facebook fight seems at the minute, remember that it is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.

Stay true to your path of seeking truth. You do not need to impose it on anyone else. If you do, and find yourself corrected / in the wrong – take it with grace. Defensiveness will not serve anyone at the present time. If it the other person is totally deluded (in your opinion), it´s still not something for you to fix – unless they are open and willing to receive.

Walking away from self-proclaimed know-it-alls might be more healthy for you at this precise moment in time. You´re not going to cure someone of that habit overnight.

Some people will be extremely ungrounded at this time, so give them a little room and find some quiet time for yourself. For some, the stop button on brain and mouth will be almost impossible to find. They need to vent out whatever´s coming out.

Do not try to find personal meaning in that – as sometimes it is just not about you 😉 And sometimes you may the convenient screen for them to project on. It is not a role you must play, unless you choose to.

A phrase that comes to mind is ´water off a duck´s back´. Be more duck at this time. And keep swimming.

Given Aquarius´ role in all this, there may be more subtle control dramas at play. Be mindful of this, especially when presented in the name of altruism or deep compassion.

Others may be overwhelmed and feel as though they are on the verge of a mental breakdown (and/or breakthrough). Rest, sleep and keep your own counsel. In these cases, try not to overstimulate your energy and let it move through. Grounding practices will be of great benefit as will stones such as smoky quartz, hematite, and so on.

However, some may find this energy (and I hope many of you do) to be an inspirational time to communicate on and be inspired by projects and collaborative efforts that can facilitate humanity through this monumental shift in consciousness. That would be a wonderful way to harness this energy, especially with like minded people who are grounded enough to work with this energy productively.

The Mars-South Node trine began (taking a tight 2 degree orb) on May 29 and will end on June 4th, just as Mars enters Cancer. The trine is currently exact.

As Mars is (consequently) also sextiled the North Node in Leo, use this energy to look at the scripts behind how, whom and why you choose to love the things and people that you do. Some of this is bound up in childhood conditioning which may or may not be relevant to the person you are today. It talso creates a more supportive energy to be more vocal and articulate about the ways in which you do love (in all senses of the term). This is wonderful energy for those who want to deepen their level of self-love. Vocal therapies, mantra-work and deep breathing will be of great benefit.

For those who use essential oils (and as always, research before use), you may find eucalyptus, thyme, tea tree, frankincense, lemon and rosemary to be of added value right now.

Those with bodies near 28 Capricorn will experience a powerful Yod between Mars and the North Node. Expect experiences to bring you rapidly to the crossroads of change. You will be asked to make certain key decisions that will have a longer-term influence on the path you walk. Triggers may arise from elders, persons in authority, governmental figures or institutions, bosses, banks, and so on.

Enjoy! And be more Duck

Dr. Bairavee Balasubramaniam PhD
The Sky Priestess

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Post © Bairavee Balasubramaniam, 2017. All rights reserved.

Image: Double exposure effect (with using public domain images put together by the author of this piece. Title: ´Cosmic Duck, 2017´

Categories: Uncategorized


  1. Reblogged this on Blue Dragon Journal and commented:
    “Stay true to your path of seeking truth. You do not need to impose it on anyone else. If you do, and find yourself corrected / in the wrong – take it with grace. Defensiveness will not serve anyone at the present time. If it the other person is totally deluded (in your opinion), it´s still not something for you to fix – unless they are open and willing to receive.”


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