What we mean when we Celebrate Mothers

I have been thinking about Mother’s Day and how to phrase my thoughts on the matter.

Truthfully, what we should be celebrating is Healthy Nurture. And the heart of that is Love.

Love crosses the gender and the species divide easily.

What it takes is a Heart Big Enough to love so deeply that it transforms your soul. 

You are not the same person as you were before you became a parent. 

For mothers of adopted children, it is an emotional, psychological and spiritual truth. In the case of a mother who births children, this is a profound physical truth (which intersects with the other aspects). 

Your priorities change. You let go of things you thought were always yours and begin new roles you never imagined.

The quality of fierce love and compassion we celebrate with mothers is really something we should expect from all those who nurture children of all kinds.

For when you see what that Love truly is, the binary drops instantly.

We pedestalize the role but forget that not all mothers necessarily love their children in this way. 

Some of the most harmful mothers I have seen have worn that label like a cloak and stifled their children. Nine months of the body protecting a developing being, followed by a lifetime of control.

Some of the most beautiful mothers I have seen are the ones who refused to bring a child into a life that lacked security and safety. Or the ones who grieve a child that did not come to term. They are still mothers. 

Some of the kindest and softest expressions of care I have seen come through the hearts of kind fathers, brothers, uncles. It is really not limited to gender. 

Some of the most inspiring mothers I have seen chose to devote their love to plants, animals, land … It’s honestly that same quality of Love. And often the least understood as society still judges by outward appearances and not the quality of soul connection. 

We really need to see this as a quality that goes beyond what Hallmark cards frame it as being. And in so doing we include so much more.

The Sky Priestess 

#divinefeminine #motherhood #mothersday #happymothersday #nurture #pawrent #plantmother #birdmother






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