What we mean when we Celebrate Mothers

I have been thinking about Mother’s Day and how to phrase my thoughts on the matter.

Truthfully, what we should be celebrating is Healthy Nurture. And the heart of that is Love.

Love crosses the gender and the species divide easily.

What it takes is a Heart Big Enough to love so deeply that it transforms your soul. 

You are not the same person as you were before you became a parent. 

For mothers of adopted children, it is an emotional, psychological and spiritual truth. In the case of a mother who births children, this is a profound physical truth (which intersects with the other aspects). 

Your priorities change. You let go of things you thought were always yours and begin new roles you never imagined.

The quality of fierce love and compassion we celebrate with mothers is really something we should expect from all those who nurture children of all kinds.

For when you see what that Love truly is, the binary drops instantly.

We pedestalize the role but forget that not all mothers necessarily love their children in this way. 

Some of the most harmful mothers I have seen have worn that label like a cloak and stifled their children. Nine months of the body protecting a developing being, followed by a lifetime of control.

Some of the most beautiful mothers I have seen are the ones who refused to bring a child into a life that lacked security and safety. Or the ones who grieve a child that did not come to term. They are still mothers. 

Some of the kindest and softest expressions of care I have seen come through the hearts of kind fathers, brothers, uncles. It is really not limited to gender. 

Some of the most inspiring mothers I have seen chose to devote their love to plants, animals, land … It’s honestly that same quality of Love. And often the least understood as society still judges by outward appearances and not the quality of soul connection. 

We really need to see this as a quality that goes beyond what Hallmark cards frame it as being. And in so doing we include so much more.

The Sky Priestess 

#divinefeminine #motherhood #mothersday #happymothersday #nurture #pawrent #plantmother #birdmother






Terms of Use: All written and video information contained in this newsletter is copyrighted. As the author of this work, I do not accept any liability arising from any and all potential effects of issuing or reading this work in any way. Anything communicated here is not intended to replace professional legal, medical, psychological, psychiatric, or financial counsel. How you choose to act on this information is up to your own free will, and you agree to be responsible for whatever consequences arise from your actions. Always use common sense first and reach out if in doubt. Whilst you are free to forward this newsletter to others for educational purposes, you are not permitted to re-upload this material or republish it in any form as part of any course materials, books, websites, etc. I will assert my legal right over my work should these clauses be violated in any way for any reason. Please contact me if you would like me to write a guest piece for your publication, where appropriate. 
 © The Sky Priestess, 2013-2024. All rights reserved.

MAY 13-23 Manifestation Magic! – Jupiter, Sun, Venus aspect Uranus, Neptune, Galactic Center

Between May 13 and 23, we see an extraordinary lineup of aspects that make it much easier to manifest with Spirit. In the video, I discuss some more esoteric alignments, providing critical context, timing and direction for your efforts. 
The 13th, 18th, and 23rd are stand-out dates in particular.
Manifestation is an art in itself, and it requires a lot of inner work and outer alignment with the general movement of things. It is why I do not use the word lightly, but when I do, I mean it 100% . 
With Jupiter, Uranus, Venus, and the Sun in Taurus, we see an outpouring of opportunities to re-make how we find abundance, security, stability, and solidity in the world. It is not just about our bank balances but our innermost beliefs of worthiness and value. 
We see the importance of choosing the right teachers and guides, relationships, collaborations, sisters, or significant Feminine presences to make the most of this energy. Personal or professional relationships are the vessels through which so much can be created and joy found. 
It can be a fantastic energy for those who work with the body, land, music/singing, and anything that emphasizes 5-sensory perception. 
Right now, the principle of sustainability is critical, i.e., creating in a way that harmonizes with all without leaving anyone or anything worse off. 
It is no longer the logic of the rugged hero carrying others on their back but of a community working together to support those in the greatest need, ensuring everyone’s needs are met. 
Whilst it is important to be kind, it is more important to do so in a sustainable manner. We are already seeing what happens when the giver (the Earth, the Feminine) is drained without replenishment. 
Jupiter, Uranus, Venus, and the Sun in Taurus currently trine
– Black Moon Lilith and Thereus Rx in Virgo
– Hylonome Rx & Ceres in Capricorn
This creates a powerful Grand Earth Trine, which facilitates manifestation if we are willing to remember to
– Look for the backdoors; always discern between energy and rhetoric
– Seek out the hidden agendas, even in those who claim to come purely in nurture, or those who guilt-trip you into service
– Be aware of the masking dynamics from those who pedestalize their victimhood
– Understand the difference between manifesting from a place of fearing pain and loss rather than faith and love
– Recognize the importance of processing emotions like grief or doubt as this can block you from greater potentials – they have their place in life, but it does not need to be the core of your identity and existence.
By exercising discernment in our connections, we can better choose with whom we build (and how). 
(I talk about each of these points in greater detail in the video; this is a functional summary. The video also details the dates where these aspects are most strongly highlighted.)
Jupiter, Uranus, Venus, and the Sun in Taurus also currently
– inconjunct the Galactic Center at 27 Sagittarius
– sextile Neptune at 29 Pisces
This reinforces the importance of looking at your teachers, beliefs, paradigms, and conceptual maps. If you are not experiencing the life your mind wishes, revisit your inner framework. Also note that the material experiences of life (poverty, relative comfort, superfluous abundance) also influence our perceptions and potential biases. 
There is an entire discussion to be had here with privilege and the perpetuation of certain myths within spiritual discourse that reinforce inequality…
For now, we move to the next alignment:
The sextile to Neptune is one that I am the most hopeful for as these alignments effectively provide a potential bridge between Heaven and Earth, Spirit and Matter. We must be diligent in learning and coming to peace with our karmic lessons in this incarnation to unravel more layers. 
That requires the courage to truly face yourself.
Everything that you were, are, and can be. 
That is when awareness truly transforms.
The closer we get to a more Authentic Self, the closer we align with the Will of the Divine. 
There is no limit to what can be manifested, but always seek to align with the Divine Will (however you understand it) and the principle of no harm, be it to yourself or others. 
As I learnt from my mentor, I would recommend adding the phrase ‘under grace’ to whatever prayers or intention-setting you do at this time. This can go a long way in naturally aligning your intentions with the larger flow of grace that is available to us all.
If you are drawn to work with me now, I suggest the Changemaker Session. This is an excellent fit for those who do not see where their beliefs and material outcomes lack alignment – and how to harmonize both where relevant. 
For those who wish to be heard in a more dialogic format, go for the Soul-Conversation session instead. 
I wish you all much love during this time of high potential. 
Manifest from your Heart and your innermost connection with Spirit. 
Be Discerning and draw the line where need be. 
And Surrender the rest to the Divine. 
Blessings and Love
Dr. Bairavee The Sky Priestess

Terms of Use: All written and video information contained in this newsletter is copyrighted. As the author of this work, I do not accept any liability arising from any and all potential effects of issuing or reading this work in any way. Anything communicated here is not intended to replace professional legal, medical, psychological, psychiatric, or financial counsel. How you choose to act on this information is up to your own free will, and you agree to be responsible for whatever consequences arise from your actions. Always use common sense first and reach out if in doubt. Whilst you are free to forward this newsletter to others for educational purposes, you are not permitted to re-upload this material or republish it in any form as part of any course materials, books, websites, etc. I will assert my legal right over my work should these clauses be violated in any way for any reason. Please contact me if you would like me to write a guest piece for your publication, where appropriate. 
 © The Sky Priestess, 2013-2024. All rights reserved.

Making Hard Choices & Recent Global Events: The aftermath of the final Mars-Neptune conjunction in Pisces till 2176!

The video explains why the last week of April was so intense (from an astrological perspective) and what that implies for us as individuals and as part of a larger collective. 

The key alignment in question was Mars-conjunct-Neptune-in-Pisces.

Usually, this alignment is insufficient to explain the sheer level of extreme meteorological events across the planet (multiple tornadoes in the US, Saudi Arabia, and China + hailstones + flooding) in such a concentrated window of time.

Politically, we also saw the igniting of political activism and non-violent protest across US campuses, holding their institutions accountable for their support and complicity in the Gaza genocide. The flame that was lit has yet to be extinguished and only appears to be gaining momentum. 

So – why would Mars and Neptune bring all this up so intensely? 

It was because this is the final time we see this conjunction in Pisces in our lifetimes.

Mars is action, movement, the embodied use of will, and the connection to the masculine (yang) archetype. Neptune and Pisces deal with karma, spirituality, energy dynamics, vulnerability, escapism, projection, inspiration, Divine Grace, miracles, etc. 

The combination brings out what has been hidden from the depths of the psyche as it taps into the collective unconscious. The severity of the weather is a fractal representation of that process. 

So what do you do about it? 

There is not much that a single person can do to direct the collective as a whole. That is best left to Faith in whatever we understand as a Higher Power. 

However, what you can do is to continue to stay receptive to what is happening around you and to navigate things through Faith. 

Everyone’s path is different, so what that specifically means for you will also be different. 

For some, it is continuing to chop wood and carry water as part of an established routine, come what may. 

For others, it is finding the strength to do that in the face of grief, loss, death, and uncertainty. 

It is a time that can lead to deep disillusionment, inspiration, loss, creativity, birth, death, and rebirth – or all of the above.

In the video, I also talk about how these events led to a situation in my own life where I had to maintain that line of protection for myself and my family. It’s something that has led to a lot of personal grief, but I know that I did what I could to be kind whilst protecting my loved ones. 

We have witnessed a foreshadowing of Saturn’s and Neptune’s energies as they move through Pisces. We are in for a whirlwind of transformation and must be willing to dig deep and pull out what still clings to an old way of being. 

Sometimes, a gentler method works, but sometimes, it can be incredibly harsh. 

We talk about this and more. Enjoy!

Dr. Bairavee The Sky Priestess






Terms of Use: All written and video information contained in this newsletter is copyrighted. As the author of this work, I do not accept any liability arising from any and all potential effects of issuing or reading this work in any way. Anything communicated here is not intended to replace professional legal, medical, psychological, psychiatric, or financial counsel. How you choose to act on this information is up to your own free will, and you agree to be responsible for whatever consequences arise from your actions. Always use common sense first and reach out if in doubt. Whilst you are free to forward this newsletter to others for educational purposes, you are not permitted to re-upload this material or republish it in any form as part of any course materials, books, websites, etc. I will assert my legal right over my work should these clauses be violated in any way for any reason. Please contact me if you would like me to write a guest piece for your publication, where appropriate. 

 © The Sky Priestess, 2013-2024. All rights reserved.

Pilgrimage Reflections: Journeying with The Black Madonna & Mary Magdalene in France & Spain (April 8-13, 2024)

Hello everyone!

As promised, here is our experiential sharing, analysis, and reflection on an extremely complex, challenging, and rewarding pilgrimage. We have several members of the core group present, offering a nuanced, multi-layered, and profoundly moving discussion on the various places we visited.

I am grateful to everyone who consented to be recorded on the video and for the T-23 members who came to bear witness.

Our perspective comes from the heart, the discerning mind, and the trusting Spirit. We each have spent years in our own ways in nature, sacred sites, or simply with ourselves to embody that Feminine connection within. 

The Sacred Feminine for me is in all things – it is not limited to any gender or biological experience, though different bodies experience it differently. This must also be acknowledged. 

We experienced so much in such a short time, and truthfully, none of us are the same – in a good way.

There has been a profound death and rebirth for all of us in different ways and a profound sense of self-acceptance. 

There is grace, there is Love. 

There is also legitimate rage and grief. 

There is the calling out of what is no longer in alignment. 

And the courage to embrace what is. 

The work is not just about the symbols, shrines, and institutions that claim to house the Sacred Feminine in one culture, but there are parallels drawn to other cultures. It is also a deeply political analysis, as one cannot talk about compassion and nurture without considering fundamental issues of justice. 

This recognition of both in a single breath has been the hallmark of my work for many years now, and it should not surprise anyone. 

Whilst we do not claim to speak for others who may have their own experiences at these locations, what we share is nothing but Love. And that is the place that all come from. 

Every location, event, and synchronicity was guided by higher hands from the moment this pilgrimage was conceived.

I am so moved and grateful to have had this experience with such a stellar constellation of beings. 

Enjoy the discussion – and thank you all for doing your part in supporting this immense undertaking.  This was truly a community effort.


Dr. Bairavee The Sky Priestess

Terms of Use: All written and video information contained in this newsletter is copyrighted. As the author of this work, I do not accept any liability arising from any and all potential effects of issuing or reading this work in any way. Anything communicated here is not intended to replace professional legal, medical, psychological, psychiatric, or financial counsel. How you choose to act on this information is up to your own free will, and you agree to be responsible for whatever consequences arise from your actions. Always use common sense first and reach out if in doubt. Whilst you are free to forward this newsletter to others for educational purposes, you are not permitted to re-upload this material or republish it in any form as part of any course materials, books, websites, etc. I will assert my legal right over my work should these clauses be violated in any way for any reason. Please contact me if you would like me to write a guest piece for your publication, where appropriate. 

 © Dr Bairavee The Sky Priestess, 2013-2024. All rights reserved.

How To Make Change in the World: The 3.5% Threshold, The Wisdom of the Mushroom & The Power of Faith

How to Make Change in the World:

1) the minimum 3.5 % threshold

2) Sustained nonviolent protest

3) realizing that our efforts are part of a network and our results may bloom in unexpected places ( like a mushroom emerging from a deep mycelial connection)

4) faith which provides with the will to persist

Change is possible.

These are the minimum requirements for it to happen, as per political analysis, natural growth and the Wisdom of Spirit.

Political analysis of nonviolent movements and the 3.5% threshold
Why Civil Resistance Works The Strategic Logic of Nonviolent Conflict
Erica Chenoweth and Maria J. Stephan

The wisdom of the mushroom and the mycelial network: Mikaela Loach:
It’s not that radical: Climate action to transform out world

Faith and the power of a mustard seed to move mountains: Link

Blessings and Love

Dr. Bairavee The Sky Priestess




Terms & Use of Sharing:

As the author of this work, I do not accept any liability arising from any and all potential effects of issuing or reading this work in any way. Anything communicated here is not intended to replace professional legal, medical, psychological, psychiatric, or financial counsel. How you choose to act on this information is up to your own free will, and you agree to be responsible for whatever consequences arise from your actions. Use your common sense first. I will assert my legal right over my work should these clauses be violated in any way for any reason. Always use common sense first and reach out if in doubt. Sessions are also subject to the T&Cs of the reading as laid out during the booking process.

© The Sky Priestess, 2013-2024. All rights reserved.

April 7-15, 2024 Open Pilgrimage Invitation to France, Spain and Portugal

Between April 7-15, I will be pilgrimaging through France, Spain, and Portugal to pay homage to sacred Marian (Mother Mary) shrines and places of spiritual significance in nature.

It is a pilgrimage that I attempted (and partially completed) in 2016, and now, eight years later, I am being strongly called to complete it.

This time, I will not be traveling alone. I am inviting all members of the community to join me for the whole trip or in part.

You would, of course, have to pay for your own expenses.

** The details of precisely where we go, what we do, and how long for depend on how much funds are raised. I am setting the intention to visit these three countries and have Lourdes/the Pyrenees as a definite on my list. I intend to also re-visit Barcelona and Fatima, depending on how much we collectively raise. **

In terms of the skies, we see a powerful Solar Eclipse in Aries conjunct Chiron and the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus (trined Thereus). It is an incredible opportunity to go into the roots of what needs healing within the body and in our respective connections with the Sacred Feminine and the Earth.

I have been holding the vision for this pilgrimage for many years and received the nudge to go ahead with my plans a few months ago.

When I first heard the call, I was taken aback on account of my mobility issues. I have waited a while to see if my healing was progressing well enough for me to do this viably, and it has.

This will not be a conventional tour. 

We will not be running about from place to place but taking the time to deeply feel, listen, and move as guided.

Where possible, I will also be using live video to bring the experience (where appropriate) to those of you not physically able to join.

This will not be a commercial event, as I have been guided not to monetize the experience.

We will have some videos for sale later, but the main pilgrimage experience is free of cost.

People can contribute a token of gratitude if they wish.

I have two requirements:

Financial Support: I need the means to make this happen, so I have started this fundraiser

Trust: I am being guided and led by Spirit in a very specific way to do my work in the world. In any group meditation or energy work we do, my only requirement is that you trust the process and do not layer, distort, or guide energies or intentions unless I specifically request it.

Unfortunately, I have seen far too many group meditations and tours hijacked by people with good intentions who believe they know better than the lead facilitator. Given that Thereus is still about, I underline this in advance.

Come in trust, or go some other time on your own.

Whilst I am open to input and suggestions by those who have walked this road, any joint decisions must be made before the trip, if they align in harmony and truth. 

That being said,

I invite all of you who are interested and willing to trust and support the work to join.

Fundraiser Link: https://gogetfunding.com/april-2024-marian-pilgrimage-in-france-spain-and-portugal/

Form to those who want to join, suggest places or contribute through Paypal or bank transfer:

Blessings and Love

Dr. Bairavee The Sky Priestess

MERCURY CONJUNCTS JUPITER (6 LIBRA) … BUILDING A BRIDGE TO HEALING OR STAYING IN THE SAME KARMIC CYCLE, YOU CHOOSE (+ Mars opposes Persephone and sextiles Neptune, Venus-Juno-Nemesis trine Chiron)


Silence. That´s the vibration of what I feel now. Nothingness. The Void. Just Silence. It´s been building for days and appears to be at its climax. Perfectly timed for Mercury´s conjunction with Jupiter at 6 Libra (9:45 am UTC, 11 October 2016). It is the energy of what might be, of nascent potential waiting for a choice, a decision made one way or another – so that it may take form.

As you know, I interpret Libra as the choice or ability to make a decision through the use of detached logic. It may be graceful, it may be harmonious or beautiful – or its absolute opposite. It can be a powerful bridge that spans across differing views and perceptions of reality. It can also be the sword that breaks the bridge in two. Libra´s energy strongly relates with the value systems and choices we make when we enter partnerships and collaborations, be they personal and/or professional. It is also linked with legal matters, contracts and the arts.

Mercury helps us navigate our choices, to perceive, organize, analyse and express information to build a picture that feeds into our system of perception. Jupiter grants us the promise of expansion or amplification in whatever direction we consciously and sub-consciously choose to explore. (That is not always a positive thing)

As the two the come together, we are asked to look at the people, partnerships, and choices which we choose to invest ourselves-and-our-energies into creating or destroying at this time. It´s a very good time for the examination of one´s concept of self, one´s relationship values and ideals, and so on.

From a more spiritual perspective, it is an excellent time to re-think, re-configure and elucidate our ever-constant, ever-evolving co-creative partnership with The Divine, in all of its Forms (Masculine, Feminine, Androgynous, Hemaphroditic, etc.) and Formless States.

The choices we make and the words we utter carry greater energetic weight at this time. So take a moment to pause, breathe and then commit to / away from whatever it is that you must address at this time.

The Masculine-Feminine theme is particularly strong at this time for various reasons:

Mars (9 Capricorn) opposes Persephone (10 Cancer): We are asked to revisit the Persephone-Pluto myth, to question old narratives of just who had agency? For some, it is the straightforward tale of a daughter´s rape and her abduction (from her mother), and for others, it is a narrative of carefully calculated feminine seduction and a daughter escaping an overly controlling mother. Either way, the question comes down to who we believe is truly ´in control´, who has the final, authoritative say on which way the story – i.e. parts of _your_ story – get told. Atropos, the eldest of the Three Sisters of Fate sits at 8 Cancer to tell us that some parts of this story must end as it is their time. (Interestingly, Hades himself weighs in at 6 Cancer, squaring Mercury/Jupiter – it´s the same theme, repeated in a slightly different way)

Mars (9 Capricorn) sextiles Neptune (9 Pisces): An excellent time to set the seeds for the healing of the Masculine and the integration of yang energy within the feminine and masculine / individual / collective psyche. It is wise to avoid games of projection as one simply does not know the full length and breadth of all this species has done to over another, over vast cycles of time. Those with placements near 9 Gemini will experience this as a profound Yod, or finger of fate bringing these energies to an intense, karmic climax. Before the next one begins.

Persephone (10 Cancer) trines Neptune (9 Pisces) and the South Node (10 Pisces): The invitation to look at the cycles of blame-shame-guilt, parent-child bonds, the victim-abuser dynamic and so on. Some of that baggage will be yours, others more so with the collective unconscious. Be willing to see the story in a different way to find new paths of healing, release and transcendence (whatever that means to you). Persephone also sextiles the mean Node (10 Virgo). This is an excellent time to set the seeds for change, for drawing better boundaries and realizing that one does not need to be caught up in the same cycle of drama, to experience the same pain and suffering, repeated ad infinitium (especially with the South Node involved). Those with placements near 10 Aquarius will find this a very interesting Yod to work with.

Venus, Juno and Nemesis are all conjunct one another at 21 Scorpio. Venus refers to the process of material embodiment, the qualities and form of the feminine and to the pleasure we sustain by simply being. It also relates to finances and just about anything tangible that involves the generation of beauty, pleasure and abundance. It is certainly one archetype of the Feminine. Juno, as I understand her, is the Goddess of Thresholds – and She finds ways to keep moving us towards the next one through soul-mates (not necessarily of a pleasant, romantic, marital kind – but potentially the very opposite). Nemesis refers to an ancient winged Greek goddess of Justice who comes to clear and re-balance the scales of karma.

All three sitting in Scorpio, that´s … a whopper!

We are asked to face the Scales of Karma in the psychic Underworld. Do we honor the Dark Feminine? All aspects of Goddess (however defined)? Or do we limit our conception that which is familiar, comfortable and/or idealized? And who – in our lives – brings us the push, the need to get deeper, to recognize what we have neglected, denied, suppressed or ignored?

Scorpio´s role indicates one with whom we merge our energies – be it ´in the boardroom or the bedroom´. It can easily refer to a Shadow-worker or shaman/ka or simply one who makes us meet the Shadow within.

Venus, Juno and Nemesis all trine Chiron at 21 Pisces. Again, this exploration goes into the deep waters of Spirit, emerging from channels whose origins we have (mostly) forgotten. It is a certainly a time to explore these trickier questions of sexuality, femininity, power and and its balanced expression – through the deep waters of Karma. It´s… gonna very be very interesting for those of you with placements near 21 Cancer – as that will then be a powerful Grand Water Trine. Deep waters, indeed. Cyllarus is at 21 Cancer for us all – and let´s just say this is an impulsive energy, one that does not think before it leaps and reaps the consequences of rash judgement. Take the time to breathe before you emotionally react to something, it will help.

Some fear the Feminine´s rise to power and others see it the dis-empowerment of the Masculine as its prerequisite. I wouldn´t consider either a balanced view as God-Goddess, energetic archetypes, The Divine knows no form or gender. They cut through all of the above. And if we are to heal as a species … we´ve got to start with the schisms within, and with one another (as appropriate).

So – taking it all together – it´s a powerful time to make choices. Ones that can reinforce karmic cycles of wounding and rejection – or to walk away from them. Don´t be afraid to draw boundaries, especially when you feel coerced or guilt-tripped into giving more than you should. It doesn´t matter who´s asking.

Our choices – especially now – have the power to build Rainbow-Shadow bridges of healing that will create new pathways for change within and without. With Libra, it starts in the mind as a choice that is made. Your reality will then begin to form surrounding that choice.

So my friends, what do you choose today?

What reality do you choose to inhabit?

Blessings and Love,

Priestess Bairavee Balasubramaniam PhD
The Sky Priestess

Post © Bairavee Balasubramaniam, 2016. All rights reserved.
Image: An illustration of a hermaphrodite from the Aurora consurgens, 15th century, public domain via Wikimedia Commons.

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The Virgo New Moon/Solar Eclipse (1 September 2016): Looking To The Future We are About to Create with Saturn, Pluto and Vesta (The Priestess)

Eggs 2

We begin this article by looking at the future that we are about to create.

At 9.03 am UTC, 1st September 2016 – the Moon conjuncted the Sun in a Solar Eclipse (New Moon) at 9 degrees Virgo.

Solar Eclipses / New Moons are potent times for the setting of seeds, or intentions which we reap – or see culminate – at moments predicted by the mathematics and energy of astrology. The seeds you set now you will most certainly see during the next Virgo Full Moon (March 12, 2017).

That´ll be interesting as the Sun will conjunct Pallas Athena and Chiron in Pisces whilst squaring Saturn and the Galactic Center in Sagittarius – and of course opposing the Moon at 22 Virgo.

Let´s just say that´s going be … a very telling time.

Many questions shall arise, such as: Are we on the road to Healing, or simply Self-Deception? Are we on a path of Service, or simply Self-Aggrandizement? (and so on and so forth)

Less than a month later (April 6, 2017), Saturn will retrograde at that exact degree – 27 Sagittarius (The Galactic Center), forcing us to re-visit these questions. Saturn will re-enter, and then finally leave Sagittarius from the last week of November till the first week of December 2017.

So really … the seeds we´re setting now, at the very least (putting aside the fact this is an Eclipse for a moment), will find structure, consolidation and form in fifteen months from now!!!!

I also note two curious features shared by the current Virgo New Moon (September 1, 2016) and next year´s Virgo Full Moon (March 12, 2017):

(1) The Sun and Moon square Saturn in Sagittarius
(2) Pluto in Capricorn opposes Vesta in Cancer (owing to Vesta´s long retrograde from the start of Leo and back into Cancer).

So let´s break that down.

The focus on Saturn tells us that – ALL – of this comes back to the question of what Path we ultimately take towards healing, learning, expression, service – or simply the paradigms we use to navigate our lives and find a sense of place in the world.

There´s going to be a lot of physical and/or intellectual movement as we expand our horizons. Be it by travel, migration, higher education, training, speaking – or finding sources of knowledge you see as authoritative in other forms.

Without surprise, this will equally translate into consolidation and/or conflict across the lines of political, spiritual and religious ideology.

As an astrologer, I also see this as a powerful time for the creation (and necessary destruction) of different approaches to this field of human-and-celestial understanding. The same message comes through strongly through the various other hats I wear: as academic, public speaker, global traveller – my own Saturn is in Sagittarius anyway 🙂 .

But long story short …

December 2017 is going to be a definitive time for the planet. And the seeds and energetic path-working we bring to our lives right now – is going to fuel whatever direction emerges then.

So … find the road you want to take and commit to it. You might change it over the next fifteen months – and that is fine. Just pick something, and get to it.

You might want to hold off signing paperwork till early October, just to allow Mercury to finish retrograding – unless of course, it´s just following through with something you previously committed to.

And it´s probably a good idea to let the Pisces Lunar Eclipse on September 16, 2016 pass first. The Moon (24 Pisces) will be conjunct Chiron, the Wounded Healer (22 Pisces), both trining Vesta (20 Cancer).

Amazingly, Vesta will be at the same degree (20 Cancer) during the Pisces Lunar Eclipse (September 16, 2016) and the Virgo Full Moon (March 12, 2017) – and when the Vesta Retrograde ends on March 7, 2017!

Interesting times … .. and such a focus on Vesta, The Priestess – to whom we now turn.

The second shared feature between the Virgo New Moon and Virgo Full Moon is the Pluto-Vesta opposition in Capricorn-Cancer.

This tells me that what we choose now is vital in helping us understand our Path of Service, Facilitation, Priest/essing – and its relationship with familial, ancestral, shadow-based karma, alchemy, manifestation and the deepest levels of energy-working.

That´s putting a very long story in a nutshell.

Vesta, the Priestess is going to want to sacrifice herself for her family, belief system, culture, custom, tradition – or simply to feel that she belongs someplace, that she has a Home.

Pluto will challenge Her by bringing her back into the Shadow-Domains, perhaps through the pursuit of power, perhaps through pain, perhaps both. I see The Priestess needs to understand the truth of what she seeks, what she is willing to sacrifice for it, and why – without giving into Pluto´s seductive wares and/or bullying ways. Remember – this is the planet that rules violence and breakdown, just as it does intimacy and rebirth.

Navigating this alignment alone will require an level of incredible transparency, groundedness and a willingness to ´cut through the karmic BS´ (as a loved one put it). You might prefer the language of transmutation, release and/or acceptance – it comes down to the paradigm of your choice.

Whatever you choose now, let it be a choice born of love, rather the fear of abandonment, betrayal, persecution or the desire to find brute power over another. It can be easy to give into those parts of the self when one believes they have no other way out. But that too is a belief, and one that can be shifted should you choose.

This bodes to be a very very transformative time for energy-workers and facilitators, particularly those who are not averse to exploring the relationship with the Shadow in its various forms. Those of you who do ancestral work will probably already be focusing on inherited (or mimicked) energetic vulnerabilities that have passed through family lineages.

I have found that working with the Golden Ray at the Solar Plexus Chakra in particular to be very, very effective at this time. Gemstones such as citrine or golden topaz will be of great use. Watch as well the messages that (literally) come from your gut, humanity´s ´second brain´, bringing with it the information of 100 million neurons. Probiotics and Vitamin C are also things I would encourage exploring to complement energetic work at this time.

But back to the astrology ….

I have also noted another curious emphasis on Vesta in a different Eclipse – the one coming right up on September 16, 2016. At that time, Vesta will be at 20 Cancer. She will be at that exact degree (as well) on the day the Vesta Retrograde ends (March 7, 2017) and the Virgo Full Moon (March 12, 2017) – when Vesta will oppose Pluto (just as she is doing now, albeit at 15 Cancer-Capricorn).

I would suggest looking into this particular degree (20 Cancer) in your natal and/or progressed charts to see what transformations arise. Vesta finally moves past this degree in the final week of March 2017 – which is when I would expect to see further movement in the way we navigate the Vesta/Cancer-Pluto/Capricorn opposition. The final Vesta-Pluto opposition in Cancer-Capricorn will take place in late July 2020, at 23 degrees. Then we get into the Leo-Aquarius oppositions, which is an entirely different kettle of fish.

To me, what this says is that we´re going to be challenged to move past, transform and/or embrace the role of Vesta-as-familial-caregiver-custodian, sacrificing her power and freedom and limiting herself into the home or domestic sphere. For some, this is ideal – for others, it is a prison. But there are too many ways that particular dynamic can play out – this is just one example. The possibility of resolution here comes in the Shadow (Pluto), in being willing to face what remains unseen in the deepest energetic chambers of the ancestral line. Certainly an interesting time for Priest/esses and Facilitators in general.

As a Priestess – I have to say that this has been one of the most … incredibly intense times of my life.

(I figure that will resonate with many others in a similar vocation).

To sum up what we´ve said so far … what you do during this Eclipse – counts – big time. The ripples you make in the pools of your sub-conscious will transform into ocean tides that move and shape (and dissolve and re-create) us all.

And last but not least – remember – this is an Eclipse. And eclipses come as part of families of eclipses, most popularly classified in terms of Saros cycles. To quote NASA:

“The periodicity and recurrence of eclipses is governed by the Saros cycle, a period of approximately 6,585.3 days (18 years 11 days 8 hours). It was known to the Chaldeans as a period when lunar eclipses seem to repeat themselves, but the cycle is applicable to solar eclipses as well. “ ~eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/SEsaros/SEsaros.html

The current Solar Eclipse / New Moon in Virgo is No. 39 of 71 in Saros cycle 135. It began on July 5 1331 and will end on August 17, 2593. Eclipse No. 38 was on August 22, 1998, with No. 40 on September 12, 2034.

Look back to August 1998 to see how the events of then connect with the present (that´s been true to a ridiculously specific degree for me – AND – Vesta was at 20 Cancer on that date as well… you just can´t make this stuff up ). And, if you remember, look back on today if you´re still about in September 2034 😀 There will be considerable energetic linkages between all these dates (which you can find on Wikipedia).

And that is where I would like to leave this article. Rather than going into Saturn-Neptune-Nodes and their relationship with the Sun/Moon/Eclipse – I wanted to take this in a different direction – as we´ve all spent the past months moving through these exact challenges (in the mutable signs).

I felt it was time to take a step forwards and look to the future we wish to create in the time that we have NOW.

Blessings and Thanks,

Priestess Bairavee Balasubramaniam PhD
The Sky Priestess

Post & Image ´Virgo New Moon Solar Eclipse September 1 2016´ © Bairavee Balasubramaniam, 2016. All rights reserved. Please do not use or reproduce without permission.

Terms of Use and Sharing: Feel free to use the Share button on FB or Reblog on WordPress for personal, noncommercial or educational use with all links intact. If you are an organization, institution or individual seeking to use this material for promotional purposes, please ask first. If wanting to include this information into your workshop materials or written work, please cite accordingly. All information provided, be it through sessions conducted or this post is non-liable and is not intended to replace professional legal, medical, psychological, psychiatric and/or financial counsel.



At 9.49 am 13-8-2016 UTC time (that´s the 12th for you in the Americas), Saturn will end its retrograde motion and station direct at 9´ 46 Sagittarius. Thank Heavens!

For the past few months, we have experienced such intensity with the Dance of the Mutable Signs (Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo Pisces) and a Grand Mutable Cross that lasted for all of June, followed by a Yod (Finger of Fate) that lasted for all of July, and a two-week-long Great Goddess Grand Sextile that will fully form on August 14 (and then end).

Oh yes, and Mars and the Moon are close by to the Lord/Lady of Time and Karma as S/he stops moving in reverse (from the earth-view that is).

Argh. Ai. Yai. Yai. Cosmos, it´s been rough.

Some of us have made tremendously powerful, bold strides in the world, and others have caved in under the pressure and crawled to safety. Usually a mixture of both.

That distinctly unstable, volatile, vacillating, alternating, serpent-sinewing dynamic has not yet ended.

It shall continue. But in a different form.

Saturn´s end of retrograde signals a time where the lessons, pressures and trials that Saturn bring becomes more externalized, and equally, more amenable to be acted upon. The pressure builds less within and the channels for its release move outwards – into the big, wide world and Cosmos.

You can think of it as the time where the seed has pushed out of its protective shell and is shyly poking through the top of the soil layer with a tip. More work, growth and consolidation comes, but a different layer, or level of consciousness. Things get pushed to the surface and cease to simmer (as much) in the psyche.

This can be a great thing, for those of you using this energy to build a stable Path for yourselves and others – or a really disastrous thing – if you use the Sagittarian platform to breed a new dogma of authoritarianism, rigidity and/or inertia.

So yes, things are about to heat up even more. As we get a lot more vocal, assertive and externalized in the ways and paths we use to navigate our world and discover a sense of Truth. Don´t forget – Eclipse Season is coming up, as is Saturn´s conjunction with Mars (3rd week of August), Saturn-square-Neptune (2nd week of September), Saturn-square-the-Nodes- (last week of September) – and so on.

We are nowhere near done with this intensity, but we will begin to engage with it differently once the Saturn retrograde ends.

At the time Saturn stations direct, we see as part of a Grand Mutable Cross – along with Venus / Urania (9-10 Virgo), Circe / Amor (9-10 Gemini) and Neptune (11 Pisces).

Venus and Urania in Virgo ask us to discern appropriate boundaries within personal and professional relationships – and – in our faith in the skies / heavens. Look to see where your energetic vessel needs further boundary-strengthening, or where the walls have been placed too high. Is your faith in your business/partnership/cosmic connection leading you to the experiences that bring you to Spirit – or are they pulling you away from them?

Circe and Amor ask us to look at the power of the written word, relationships with one´s early home & siblings, ideas and communication. Here we are shown how we are part of a collective narrative that projects its baggage unto the figure of the powerful, sexual, enchantress (Circe) – and how that gets reproduced as part of a child´s upbringing. Amor reminds us that words can be a powerful balm in healing those past wounds. But they don´t need to be pretty, just truthful.

Neptune sits in Pisces, watching over us all and asking us whether our relationship with an perception of Spirit is truly what we think it to be. The Pressures that Saturn places on our Faith-Spirit-Connection right now can crush spiritual ideals that put us out of alignment, detach us from Truth, render us overly vulnerable or susceptible and so on. It can equally consolidate your Faith, put you even more firmly onto a road to Truth and teach you how to balance Strength, Sensitivity, Openness and Discernment.

Remember that hypersensitivity is not the same as being hyperspiritual. Boundaries (Virgo) and Strength (Saturn) are called for at this time. Just as Openness, Compassion and Faith are.

Many have asked me what remedies I can bring to the situation and the Truth is the only thing I can think of is Faith. Act on what you Have to, Stand your Ground, and Have your Faith. Not necessarily a faith that something specifically good or bad will happen, but a Faith that exceeds human perception and expectation of a situation.

Some ask me why their God or Goddess isn´t saving them from pain – and here I might differ with many – and I ask them instead to look back at their paradigm (Sagittarius) and its take on Suffering (Neptune). So many people in the world pray or do rituals because they expect the Gods or Goddesses to do something for them. Because there is the expectation that prayer, rituals, being altruistic, going to a temple will yield some specific benefits.

What I have found in my work as a Priestess is – that´s just not how they roll – at least not with me. What I am called to do, I have to do without considering the outcome. There are no guarantees.

And it is in that moment where Faith kicks in, or you mourn its Absence.

That´s another thing we´ll be seeing with the Saturn-Neptune alignment. A whole lot of Disillusionment and Suffering for some – and a whole lot of Consolidation and Clarity for others. It all comes down to whether the Path we take truly aligns with Spirit.

That does not mean that I do not suffer or do not feel pain. It just means that I do not believe that my relationship with Spirit is meant to insulate me from unpleasant experiences. To, navigate them better, perhaps.

What I would suggest, at this time, is to look at what you can do to alleviate suffering. Sometimes it´s a prayer, sometimes it´s something physical, sometimes it´s just being there. Not because it´ll get you good karma, but just because. You don´t need a because.

Whatever you feel you can do to help another (who needs it and it isn´t just starting a horrible karmic cycle of dependency), go go go.

I also see so many who feel vulnerable. Pushed the point of breaking down and I would like to remind them / you / me that we are far stronger than we believe.

Even if the Gods and Goddesses don´t appeal, Have Faith in the Self. You´ve survived through so much, and you will continue to survive.

The fact you can still feel as much you can feel is proof of that. You haven´t shut down your Heart. Keep Going. Just know when to tune out and recharge for a bit.

And of course there are the – I´m too holy for engaging with this petty real-world stuff – types. Well, Good Luck to Ya 😉 The Cosmos has more in store for us all.

Trying to deny the existence or experience of certain energetic forms as a means to stop one´s perception of it (in my experience) has never really worked.

You are going to feed energy to anything that comes your way. No matter how deeply you try to burrow it into the back of your mind. So you might as well feed it with the kind of energy that forces it to transmute. I remind you here of the powerful lessons of Kung Fu Panda 3. (Excellent Film)

After all, at the end of the day – don´t we consider Acceptance-of-All at the deepest level one of the keystones of Spiritual Experience?

If you do need to withdraw from something, do so consciously and ask yourself Why?

What other options are there?

Are there fruitful avenues for engagement?

Are there ways you can support or hold space from afar?

What needs to change or be created for you to transmute whatever is out of balance? (Remember – energy is neither created nor destroyed … it just moves around in different forms)

What are you not seeing or not wanting to see?

And Why?

With Neptune´s involvement – things are … very rarely what they appear to be at first glance. Use that Virgo energy and peel away the layers.

Keep the questions coming … Let your Mind and your Spirit and Heart and all parts of you engage with whatever you´re facing, or are helping another to face.

In any case – Dancing with these themes will be at the core of the Grand Mutable Cross Saturn is a part of as She stations direct. There´s a lot more going on, don´t doubt that for a moment. But I suspect these will be the ´Big´ themes for most of us. Themes which we will continue to revisit over the next few months.

Blessings and Love,

Priestess Bairavee Balasubramaniam PhD
The Sky Priestess

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Post © Bairavee Balasubramaniam, 2016. All rights reserved. Please do not use or reproduce without permission. See Terms of Use and Sharing above.

Image: Love in a Time of Poverty by E. K. Buckley, used with the Artist´s Permission). For more of her work, please go to www.ekbuckley.com

Fatal Attractions: Cycles of Pain and the Karmic Choices we Make



You were sacrificed before. Maybe many times.
Your soul got used to it, Maybe you thought it was ´normal´.
You´re trying to do it again.

Short, but an answer that has deep resonance, especially for those who resonate with the archetype of the sacrificial virgin / priestess. Unpack it a little more, and you find your own reasons.

In this context, ´normal´ doesn´t mean good, bad, desirable, healthy, unhealthy, hateable – it just means that you got used to a certain vibration. And internalized it. Perhaps it´s a fixation to break through it, perhaps it´s a conviction that it´s true, or good. Perhaps it´s a need to understand it.

Whatever it is, it´s an attachment to a particular experience. And the soul attracts people, events and opportunities to once again re-live it.

Truly, it´s an argument you can make for any type of karmic lesson that keeps appearing in life. Sometimes it may seem like an unlucky streak ´this always happens to me´ .. i always end up with that kind of person ´, or really, anything that you just find yourself pulled towards without reason or explanation, as though by magic. Sometimes it´s a nice kind of pull, but more often than not – it tends to reflect what we see as our wounds, weaknesses, vulnerabilities.

Karmic attachments are things that exert a powerful pull on our psyches as we seek to understand the why and wherefores behind them. We subconsciously choose these experiences in a bid to gain a more complete experience. Ultimately, to transcend the need to experience it entirely (so the theory says).

These choices we make, which we mystify as ´karma´ , are buried in the subconscious. That doesn´t mean they are beyond our ability to understand and ultimately move past.

It´s time to stop mystifying and romanticizing choices that lead us unto paths of pain as being somehow fated, destined and/or sacred. Or simply things that we cannot change in ourselves.

Whether it´s the past-life trauma of being sacrificed or persecuted, or wounds that surround any kind of recurring lesson surrounding pain – taking a step back to understand why you may be making those choices does help. It stops you from feeling like the Universe hates you, or as though you are some pawn of Fate, moving without your own free will.

For me, at least, that has been one of the deeper realizations of my life thus far. At the day-to-day level, it has helped me to question those things which I felt drawn to, like a moth to a flame – as though I were being drawn into something I could not (ought not) question, or walk away from.

And many of the choices I have made, from taking that moment to detach – from realizing that I had a choice to let this energy into my space, or not – have led to healthier life choices. Ones that have made me feel more fulfilled as a woman and a spiritualist.

There are of course, inexplicably beautiful and powerful moments in which our souls attune to experiences of the Sublime. Those are, for me at least, qualitatively different from the karmic attractions that lead on down repetitive cycles of wounding, grief and a sense of limitation we normally associate with ´spiritual karma´.

I suspect we will see more of the former and less of the latter the moment we realize the power of our own choices in co-creating all that we experience, with whatever it is we consider the Essence of the Sacred.

Bairavee Balasubramaniam
The Sky Priestess

Image Information: Cornelia, the Vestal Virgin, entombed alive surrounded by bones in the dungeon. Line engraving by G. Machetti after B. Pinelli – See page for author [CC BY 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

Post © Bairavee Balasubramaniam, 2016. All rights reserved.

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