April 7-15, 2024 Open Pilgrimage Invitation to France, Spain and Portugal

Between April 7-15, I will be pilgrimaging through France, Spain, and Portugal to pay homage to sacred Marian (Mother Mary) shrines and places of spiritual significance in nature.

It is a pilgrimage that I attempted (and partially completed) in 2016, and now, eight years later, I am being strongly called to complete it.

This time, I will not be traveling alone. I am inviting all members of the community to join me for the whole trip or in part.

You would, of course, have to pay for your own expenses.

** The details of precisely where we go, what we do, and how long for depend on how much funds are raised. I am setting the intention to visit these three countries and have Lourdes/the Pyrenees as a definite on my list. I intend to also re-visit Barcelona and Fatima, depending on how much we collectively raise. **

In terms of the skies, we see a powerful Solar Eclipse in Aries conjunct Chiron and the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus (trined Thereus). It is an incredible opportunity to go into the roots of what needs healing within the body and in our respective connections with the Sacred Feminine and the Earth.

I have been holding the vision for this pilgrimage for many years and received the nudge to go ahead with my plans a few months ago.

When I first heard the call, I was taken aback on account of my mobility issues. I have waited a while to see if my healing was progressing well enough for me to do this viably, and it has.

This will not be a conventional tour. 

We will not be running about from place to place but taking the time to deeply feel, listen, and move as guided.

Where possible, I will also be using live video to bring the experience (where appropriate) to those of you not physically able to join.

This will not be a commercial event, as I have been guided not to monetize the experience.

We will have some videos for sale later, but the main pilgrimage experience is free of cost.

People can contribute a token of gratitude if they wish.

I have two requirements:

Financial Support: I need the means to make this happen, so I have started this fundraiser

Trust: I am being guided and led by Spirit in a very specific way to do my work in the world. In any group meditation or energy work we do, my only requirement is that you trust the process and do not layer, distort, or guide energies or intentions unless I specifically request it.

Unfortunately, I have seen far too many group meditations and tours hijacked by people with good intentions who believe they know better than the lead facilitator. Given that Thereus is still about, I underline this in advance.

Come in trust, or go some other time on your own.

Whilst I am open to input and suggestions by those who have walked this road, any joint decisions must be made before the trip, if they align in harmony and truth. 

That being said,

I invite all of you who are interested and willing to trust and support the work to join.

Fundraiser Link: https://gogetfunding.com/april-2024-marian-pilgrimage-in-france-spain-and-portugal/

Form to those who want to join, suggest places or contribute through Paypal or bank transfer:

Blessings and Love

Dr. Bairavee The Sky Priestess