12 Hours of Transformation

We are all about to experience a powerful Double-Yod (Finger of Fate) in the sky involving The Sun, The Moon, The North Node, Jupiter Retrograde, Black Moon Lilith, Chiron and Neptune, intersecting with the Month-Long Yod (+ Pluto, Ceres, Mercury, Vesta). It’s going to be an epic alignment, and one which a lot of us are prepared to welcome! This alignment occurs between 1:01 am – 1:00 pm March 3rd, 2015 (GMT + 8), for almost exactly 12 hours.

For the past 2 days, we have been feeling the build-up to this alignment, with a strong Sun inconjunct North Node alignment. I often think of the inconjunct as an uncomfortable, restless aspect. Something, in itself, which is in need of resolution. That happens when the Moon passes through Leo – creating the window of time indicated. Those with placements very close to 11 Leo (8-14 degrees) in their natal chart will have been feeling this energy since Feb 28th till March 5th! Those born between Aug 4th-7th (roughly) will basically have their natal Sun at that position.

When two bodies form inconjuncts to a third body, they form what is known as a Yod – or Finger of God/Goddess/Fate/Karma/Destiny. The original bodies are connected by a sextile, allowing their energies to harmonize create a Karmic Gate of sorts. One often is pushed down to the apex of yod where they are then forced to choose between different paths. It’s a karmic quest – and here you choose whether you re-live an old cycle, or begin a new chapter entirely. And when two Yods intersect … it’s .. almost as though you’re in a cosmic pinball machine… with energy ricocheting off the various bodies and reinforcing the strength of the alignment.

Please note those with placements near 9-13 Taurus, 12-17 Gemini will experience this as a Triple Yod.

It doesn’t make much sense to go into details with what each and every single body does in this cosmic alignment. So I’ll give you the general picture of the Yod formed by the Sun, N. Node, Moon, Black Moon Lilith and Jupiter Rx. You can refer to the Month-Long (2nd) Yod Article to understand what lessons it seeks to teach – http://wp.me/p4OUNS-jY.

The North Node asks us to break new ground and start a new cycle of learning in matters to do with partnership, social relations and knowing the Shadow (Hidden) Self. It encourages us to find a deeper sense of balance in all that we do, recognizing that Balance doesn’t quite apply if you only deal with what you perceive as pleasurable and/or positive. Also note that North Node is opposed Venus (and Mars and Uranus in stellium) in Aries. Many of the lessons of the Node comes straight from what we feel attracted towards, yearn for, desire and are willing to assert ourselves to acquire. Conjunct the South Node, the Cosmic Lovers (Mars and Venus) highlight the Union or Partnership of the Divine Masculine and Feminine concept to be key in the lesson of this Yod. Here the partnership is focused upon/within The Self – though the spark/reason to learn this lesson may come through romantic partners (current and/or past, considering the South Node position). It is important to realize that the needs and perspectives of others (Libra) must also be taken into account – in a fine balance – as you seek to be True to Your Self, Your Needs, Your Desires, Your Being.

The lessons and experiences that took place on May 26/27 2014, when Venus conjuncted the South Node (as it is now) will be likely to play themselves out at this time, if unresolved.

It sextiles the Moon and Jupiter Retrograde in Leo. Here, our lessons are focused upon the Sacral and Heart Chakra, and in particular the way we express our sensual, creative and self-expressive energies. The lesson here is to ‘Be Real’ about who and what you are, without wearing a person to please another, or to hide from your self. It’s when the mask needs to come off. Jupiter amplifies this energy and the Moon heightens the emotional and intuitive experience of it.

Both these bodies form inconjuncts to the Sun in Pisces. The focal point of this yod is finding a point of Compassionate Detachment, Surrender and Release of Expectation. Its about learning to let go of what holds you back from fully expressing the truth, joy and creativity of the Self (Leo), or from living in a fulfilling social context, partnership, or intra-personal state of balance (Libra). Pisces energy (when unbalanced) is famous for projection, escapism and falling in love with its own illusions – this particular Yod is likely to bring you face to face with your Own Truth – eye to eye with your Spirit, or whatever it is you consider a profound connection with Source and/or Divinity. Neptune and Chiron in a stlelium with the Sun further intensity the spiritual, formless and boundlessness of this energy, and also open us to our vulnerabilities surrounding the way we connect with this Deeper notion of Source/Divinity/The Sacred/The Transcendental. Surrender, Faith, Release, Letting Go, Compassion, Detachment – those are the keywords for this apex….

In other words, many of us are preparing to Drop the Veil (of Maya/Illusion) and look at the Reality Beyond it. It’s an intense focus of energy in the Cosmic Ocean – and if we have any anchor at all in that Tempest – it is Faith.

Black Moon Lilith in Virgo activates this Yod and energizes it by way of her opposition with the Sun. She demands that you flesh our the details and – equally-take practical steps to manifest the spiritual lessons this yod provides. She asks you to nurture the self, and when you can, rise in Service to others who may be struggling with this energy. Facilitators in general are likely to be connecting with the energies of the Detached Crone to a greater degree today – represented by figures such as The Cailleach, Goddess Dhumavati, Goddess Hekate, and so on.

This Yod is connected with the Month-Long Yod, itself activated by the Mercury/Vesta opposition with Jupiter and the Moon. Priest/esses and Spiritual Facilitators in General are going to be receiving messages that support both their personal journeys and the journeys of the collective at this time. Pluto and Ceres are activated in Capricorn, asking us to transform the way we view our legacy on this planet, nurturing ourselves and others to do the same. The other points have been addressed.

Personally, I welcome this Double Yod with open arms – because at this time – it just feels like something’s gotta give way, something’s got to come to an end before a new beginning is truly possible.

The build-up of energy, for many – has been absolutely tremendous. I would encourage you to go with Faith and answer the Challenge of the Double Yod. You may find yourself even more prepared for the final Uranus/Pluto square (when it arrives on March 16/17) and ready to set the seeds for growth at the Total Solar Eclipse & Equinox (March 20/21).

And on top of that we have a powerful Jupiter Retrograde – Uranus trine going on as well! The Great Revealer/Awakener electrifies both the Yods and intensifies the sheer depth of transformation possible through this alignment. Please note that I take a 3 degree orb for the Nodes.

Blessings to you all, and may your choices pave the way to manifest fulfilling lives on every level imaginable.

Priestess Bairavee Balasubramaniam PhD

Astrology with Priestess Bairavee Balasubramaniam PhD

Text and Image © Bairavee Balasubramaniam, 2015


  1. This “portal”.. My readiness.. Has been profound.
    Your gift as well as profound dear.
    The Coming SolarEclipse on the last degree of my North Node or aligned with my North Node ( excuse my insufficient languaging.. My gifts are elsewhere lol) is proving to be a the crescendo point of all this preliminary sloughing..
    Thank you dear again

    Liked by 1 person

  2. “Please note those with placements near 9-13 Taurus, 12-17 Gemini will experience this as a Triple Yod.”
    – that’s me!

    I have Vertex at 10 degrees Taurus, and Chiron at 13 Taurus.

    …my DC is Gemini 18 – may be *close enough* because OPPOSITE that point, is Neptune 17 in Sag…

    This coming Pisces Eclipse is happening right opposite my 29 Degree Virgo Venus…
    – Virgo Eclipse? On or near my Virgo Saturn.

    Thanks, Dr. Bai!

    Off to read about th Month-Long Yod. xx

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Can these enegry affect mood and health. All day i been feeling weak and i just wanted to stay in my room in the bed. Totally outside my character. Also, can theses enegry affect spirtual gifts, like furure sight and things of that nature

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Not so in tune with astrology. …but interesting from a Libran perspective..my birth date 27 sept… Your above execs very relevant..

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Dearest Bairavee,
    I too welcome with open arms the energy of this double Yod. I am surprisingly ok with endings – don’t know if that’s a positive or not. I also surrender to new beginnings even though I feel a helplessness of sorts. Is it actually possible to like Uranus …because I do. I guess after Saturn in Scorpio for the past 2 years – anything is possible!
    Thank you for this honest and caring report!
    Blessings to all,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Valerie 🙂

      Yes, it’s possible ❤ I found myself loving Saturn after a Saturn-Venus transit 😀 I don't see why Uranus ought to be that difficult 😀 Being okay with endings is great – means you're detached from the outcome. A healthy degree of surrender and receptivity to what is coming is a good way to work with Piscean energy. In some way we are helpless in the Cosmic Storm, and in another way we are all-powerful as part of the Co-Creative dynamic that allowed it to be. Much love and many thanks for your thoughts, friend! Blessings to you ❤ 🙂 ❤ 🙂 ❤ 🙂


  6. I definitely reached an apex yesterday and ended up in a point of Surrender, Compassionate Detachment, and Release of Expectation. Now, though I am feeling so cast off and sad instead of empowered and supported, which is what I hoped I’d be feeling. It feels like I’m going to have to welcome this “new me” on my own.

    Liked by 1 person

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