PREPARING FOR THE LUNAR ECLIPSE: The Messenger seeks Balance with the Dark Priestess ( Mercury opposes Black Moon Lilith at 12 Pisces-Virgo )


Black Moon Lilith is a powerful embodiment of the Dark Goddess energy, more so in its Crone element. She, is that aspect of ourselves which we associate with our deepest passions, desires, and core sense of being – seen as ‘Black’, taboo, occult, forbidden, undesirable or off-limits, particularly for ‘respectable’ , ‘proper’ or ‘well-behaved’ men and women.

Who is Lilith?

In mythology and scripture – Lilith was the first woman created in the Judeo-Christian world, preceding Eve. She would not submit to Adam, instead choosing to live by her own will and independence. And the consequence? She was transformed and remembered as a demon, a witch, and a killer of children.An early, strong, female figure using her voice and her consent re-cast as an object of fear, cloaked in a (once Sacred) Veil of Shadow. In some sense, strong women who say no and live by their own rules still get the same kind of treatment. There are other origin narratives to Lilith, of course.

She often gets a terrible reputation in astrology as well, and one which I feel is rather unfounded – based on observation – and by having Her grace my Ascendant.

Thankfully talks about the Three Liliths – Black Moon, Asteroid Lilith and Dark Moon Lilith – in respectful, beautiful and balanced ways. Thank Goddess! Just so you know – Black Moon Lilith is also known as the Mean Apogee and she is what we call a ‘Hypothetical Point’ in Astrology – though her influence is very, very, real. )

In some sense, the usual astrological take on her (and her mythological vilification) represents the greatest challenge with working with her energy: Projection.

What does She teach us?

The challenge of Black Moon Lilith is to feel the fear, do it anyway, and realize that someone is probably going to write a particularly unpleasant script on what you’re doing, how and why. That script is probably going to be loaded with gendered assumptions and notions of what a ‘good’ expression of feminine energy is like. Her influence is felt in all beings – not just those who identify as women. Men seeking to find their Shadow Feminine have a similar issue with being projected against – potentially for not being ‘manly’ enough.

Not all that Black Moon Lilith wants to do may be nice, or right, or even good – as quite a lot her Shadow is tinged with pain, anger, and the bitter elixir of resentment. It’ll take discernment to know what she truly inspires you to do, and that which she/you/she-in-you is simply reacting against. Thousands of years of suppression … it’s taken its toll on the collective.

So, what does Black Moon Lilith do in Virgo?

Virgo refers to our Paths of Service towards others, and the way in which we build material structures, vessels and provisions that can support our Spiritual Work – as we nurture ourselves and others. In Virgo, Black Moon Lilith gives rise to the archetype of the Dark Priestess within us all. Here we are called to serve in the Shadow, in the Dark, in all that has been so heavily projected upon as messy, yucky, shameful, fearful, nonspiritual, mundane, unenlightened, nasty, evil, sub-human, servile, unimportant, dis-empowered, and so on. The key phrase here is ‘projected upon’ – whether what you’re working with is any of these things is something you’ll have to find out for yourselves.

But I’m not surprised in the slightest to see so many writings now about and re-claiming the archetype of Dark/Shadow as something which is actually tremendously sacred … Many are remembering the archetype of the Dark-Worker or Dark Priest/ess who deals with the Shadow Archetypes of the Underworld to bring deep Healing and Nurture for many. It’s amazing how so many have woken up to this awareness, within months – with so many others who have been on this path for so long, now boldly declaring it to be so.

It’s a powerfully validating time for so many whose Paths of Service have been so badly misunderstood – such as Witches, Wiccans and Pagans, Shamans and Shamankas – those who work with the magic of Africa, South America, India (and other ancient cultures as well). The collective is now beginning to see the Shadow and the Dark as things to honor, embrace and heal (and not just to transcend, turn the light on and banish …)

I’m waiting to see how the psychopomps of the Underworld – the Serpent and the Crow and others – will be seen, in just a few months more šŸ™‚Ā Such an exciting, and rapid evolution of collective perspectives! Black Moon Lilith leaves Virgo on August 25/26, 2015. And another chapter of Her Energy and lessons will begin to reveal itself ā¤ ā¤ ā¤ !

So .. what’s the deal with Mercury here?

Mercury, the Cosmic Messenger, is in Pisces (ruled by Neptune) and is in loose conjunction with both Neptune and Chiron. The Messenger is now swimming in the Cosmic Ocean, bringing us messages from the depths of our subconscious, in waters that merge with the Collective Unconscious. Here we see information coming through dreams, meditations, spiritual experiences, and so on. Some of the messages here can be rather blurred, as Neptune is the master of illusion, both the beautiful types that can keep you enthralled, and the painful types that can keep you trapped in a delusion of your own making.

Whilst we’re all receiving so much psychic and spiritual information in different ways – know that – Not all that Glitters is Gold, and not all that Slithers is Evil. There is a great need for fine-tuning your cosmic and spiritual antenna at this time, and to not choose to lose the self in the Unreal.

Neptune/Pisces grants us a vision of the world behind the Veil, however we choose to define it – be it the boundary between worlds, or the Veil of Maya that envelops all of what we call ‘reality’. But we only find this vision when we detach from the ego that seeks to perceive what it wants, sometimes what it fears in distorted form.

And what happens in this opposition?

When the Messenger opposes the Dark Priestess – a Bridge is created between the material and energetic expressions of the Spiritual Path and the Service it entails. You can see how this clash plays out, I’d imagine. A mind that is set on perceiving Spirit in a certain way may see the Dark Priestess and immediately project upon Her. It may idealize the Dark and forget the need to investigate. It may shun it, rejecting all that it represents and the Feminine that seeks to Rise through it as well. Neither extreme helps, at the end of the day.

The exact opposition takes place at 12 Pisces ’35 Pisces – Virgo, 4:25 am (GMT / UTC time) on March 21st, 2015. What an Equinox!

So .. what do we do with it? What does it teach us?

In day-to-day terms, the best thing for spiritualists and other energy-workers to do is to remember the principle of Balance. Veering off to either extreme helps no one, nor does charging into something new without discernment. Do not attach strong emotions or thoughts to psychic or spiritual impressions that appear now. Let them be as they are – observe first, rather than react.

Fearing the Shadow Feminine or seeking to avoid Her at this time won’t be possible… If you do feel a strong impulse to act on something, center yourself first and do a gut-check, or get guidance from a trusted facilitator. Some of these revelations will be painful, some of them will require you to look at the parts of yourself that you fear, or have avoiding addressing.

Those of you who do not have an issue with the Light/Dark Balance (remembering that neither is necessarily Good/Bad, just different) – may actually find this energy as one that can help you breakthrough to a new level of spiritual depth, maturity and understanding. Much of the Rising Feminine energy is going through levels of awakening, rage (at thousands of years of suppression), the blame/shame game, before it comes to the realization that the Dark Mother is actually pretty detached and compassionate. She’s not raging all the time, She’s not chopping off heads as a first resort. She goes beyond the archetype of anger and righteous vengeance, but it takes time to release the self from latching onto the old dynamic that makes that response necessary for a time in the awakening process.

Mercury, as the Messenger, can bring you ancient insights from the depths of your Soul. You might breakthrough into new levels of understanding about the various cycles that have occurred on this planet – the men-opposing-women cycle, being the one most recent in memory. I, and other awakening/remembering Priestesses have known different times where the dynamic was completely different. So when you look it from those eyes, holding onto the anger that masks the hurt of the Shadow doesn’t quite make sense any longer.

At the Soul level, to put it another way – we’ve all swapped around roles in the abuser/victim cycle. We’ve all been jerks. We’ve all been oppressed. Such are the karmic lessons that the Soul experiences through subsequent lifetimes before it breaks out of that cycle. Current alignments suggest such a breakthrough is possible for many within the collective at this time. It is a matter of choosing to do so, at the deepest level possible.

In no way does this view take away culpability or the need to make amends for or systemically question and address wrongdoing, abuse, persecution, ridicule, etc. It simply means that we can release the resentment and anger surrounding it, and in so doing, begin to heal ourselves and the collective. More solutions can then be envisioned once we break out of that cycle and the re-cycling of roles.

Thankfully – Developing that level of detachment, compassion and the ability to see things are they work through the cycles of time is what Pisces – and its current Messenger – Mercury, can teach us at this time.

Why is this information particularly significant now?

This alignment is woven into the Double Yod that I wrote to you about, as part of my larger Equinox/Eclipse piece. So it is in a very charged alignment, along with Jupiter Retrograde, Pluto and the North Node (Ā ) .

It is even more important now because Eris – the Dark Goddess – will be conjuncted by Mars – The God of War – in Aries tomorrow (21 March – what an Equinox! – 14:32 pm, GMT/UTC at 22 Aries ’29). A lot of Fire, Heat and Will surrounding the Wounds of the Excluded Feminine and her relegation to Shadow (in fact, the degrading of the Shadow in popular projection) is going to be acted upon. Black Moon Lilith is going to be activated again as part of a Black Earth Trine with Pluto and the Taurus Moon on the 23/24th (have talked about that in the Equinox / Eclipse link). So consider this a chance to prep for that!Ā šŸ˜€

On top of all that, we’re going to be reaping the seeds set during the Libra New Moon (Sep 24, 2014) during the upcoming Lunar Eclipse. Black Moon Lilith played a major role in this alignment, beginning a 23-Year Cycle to Facilitate the Rise of the (Balanced) Dark Goddess (Ā ). The Full Moon in Libra/Lunar Eclipse will take place on April 4/5, 2015 with Uranus, Pluto and the Nodes playing a MAJOR role in the proceedings. Many of the seeds we set with the Dark Feminine six months ago will begin to bear fruit at this time. That is why her energies have been calling out so strongly, amidst the celebration of the Solar Eclipse and Equinox.

I hope this information is of use to all of you. I will be launching my new radio show called The Dark Mother’s Children during the Black Earth Trine (thank you skies!) and will be discussing this in greater detail then.

For those interested: Here’s one of my earliest interviews on The Dark Mother and breaking through the Spiritual Stereotypes that see Darkness as Evil, Women as Inferior/Unclean and so on …ā€¦/ā€¦/10573/0/14-09-23.mp3

Blessings and Much Love,

Priestess Bairavee Balasubramaniam PhD ;

Astrology with Priestess Bairavee Balasubramaniam PhD

Text & Image ‘Modification of JB Amman’ Ā© Bairavee Balasubramaniam, 2015

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