
Blessings All. I was privileged to be at Glastonbury Tor, Somerset during the sunset of the Winter Solstice in 2012. Many of us in the spiritual world celebrated this date as the beginning of New Age, according to more commonly accepted calculations of the Mayan Calendar. There is a general agreement that we are certainly, if not already in,  at the brink of the Age of Aquarius.

Some believe Glastonbury to represent the Heart Chakra of the World, specifically the High Altar of Glastonbury Abbey. Many associate this land with Avalon and the energies of familiar archetypes such as Merlin, King Arthur, Queen Guinevere and so on. Other accounts link the energies of the Magdalene and the Knights Templar to this land – and many other ancient spiritual traditions. A land shrouded in mystery, magic … and oh so palpably powerful.


Glastonbury Tor is a hill which overlooks Somerset Levels, Dorset, Wiltshire and Wales. It is topped by a roofless Tower dedicated to St. Michael – a now iconic landmark. It’s not terribly high, it doesn’t have a very sharp slope or inclination (there’s a steeper path you can choose to take if you like) – though it can be daunting the first time you go. The Tor, along with Chalice Well (the Red Spring), the White Spring, Glastonbury Abbey are some of the more well-known landmarks of this profoundly spiritual and mystical land. There are other places of interest and a lot of deep magic in the countryside to be found – as well as a Glastonbury Goddess Temple which holds events of various kinds.


At the time of sunset, on 21.12.12 , I recall looking at the air around the Tor and the scenic views it afforded of the low-laying countryside around it. The air was alive, electric. So electric that you almost see flashes of yellow, pink, green energies dancing together and crackling! A local resident brought a drum and people began dancing rhythmically, powerfully during this intense energetic transition. I shall never forget one dancer: a beautiful middle-aged woman with wild, long, flowing gray hair. Before she began, she looked just like any other person. But as her body began to shake and quake with the rhythms of the drum, she transformed – in my eyes – into a mythical Goddess in a human body. She didn’t look real somehow, but there she was – dancing Divinity. As was that primal beat – I swear I heard that beat the day prior on the bus to Glastonbury, miles away from the Tor itself. But I knew it, it had called to me. And I’d listened.

(To Be Continued …)

Priestess Bairavee Balasubramaniam, PhD


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