A Urgent Call for Community Support & The Launch of the 1111 Mentorship Program!

In this video, I talk about a miraculous opportunity that can truly transform my life and allow me to do the work that I came here to do freely and sustainably. As I said, May 2024 is a time for Magical Manifestation. Here’s the context:

In 2013, a family member earned 150,000 USD on my name without my knowledge or consent. I was not able to get any taxes or receipts and have been in a state of financial limbo since. So much of why I work as hard as I do comes down to the need to overcome this huge, huge, burden I inherited in my mid-20s. It has certainly shaped my life – but under extreme pressure.

Till now, I have not had a way out of it.

Earlier this month, I was feeling really down about it and not knowing which way to turn. But I chose to face it instead, instead of running or hiding – and found out an amazing opportunity.

The government is offering a tax amnesty program that will allow me to get my name cleared once and for all! And in a totally legitimate and ethical way.

To me, this is a promise of freedom. It is the chance to finally live my adult life on my terms. To be able to grow without this constant weight, and to ultimately, be in a position to give back more to the community in sustainable ways. I can already feel the lightness emerging and have absolute faith that we can get this done.

In practical terms – this is what I need:

I need to raise at least 10K USD by the 31st of May ( and submit a small mountain of paperwork to the government). I have already raised 4K but need at least 6,000 USD more in my account within the next few days.

So the timing is critical.

You can help me by
-contributing a gift
-offering a small loan (with terms of agreement we can agree upon)
-purchasing sessions in advance or booking the new mentorship program!

The idea of a mentorship program came from a community member who wanted to help, but also wanted to benefit from my spiritual skillset. I considered it and realized that this was the signal to launch what I had already been considering for the past few years.

You can find more information about the 1111 Spiritual Mentorship Program here.

It’s time for my life to transform so that my growth can be fluid, easeful, and deeply supported by Love. The love has always been there with this community, but the ease and grace is due to begin.

I humbly ask for your support.

And the opportunity to facilitate the same for this wonderful community.

Please feel free to write to me (by replying to this email) if you need any further information or documentation.

Key Links:

http://www.paypal.me/theskypriestess (Please write Gift/Donation and choose the Friends & Family option if possible)

http://www.theskypriestess.as.me (Sessions & T-23)

1111 Spiritual Mentorship Program – (6 months w. T-23 access included)

I am THIS close to freedom and a new chapter in life.

Please help where you can!

With much love and gratitude

Dr. Bairavee The Sky Priestess







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